Shared from apdaparkinson.org.   Exploring Assisted Living Facilities can be a unsettling task and is often done in an emergency situation. It is important to investigate facilities while you are still feeling good so you are not making a rushed decision. View /...

Resources Available in Mandarin and Chinese | 帕金森病 手册

Shared from apdaparkinson.org.   美国帕金森病协会 (APDA) 在这里为您提供必要的信息和资 源,以帮助您更好地应对帕金森病。如果您或您身边的人被 确诊为帕金森病,您可能会感到不知所措。本手册旨在通过 提供关于帕金森病的有用信息,包括常见症状、现有的治疗、 实用的护理建议以及目前关于帕金森病的研究,为广大患者 提供帮助。此外,本手册末尾还提供了可能会对您有所帮助 的资源。 阅读更多 more news & info EXPLORING ASSISTED LIVING...

4 Parkinson’s Advances: How Research Is Improving Treatment

Shared from myparkinsonsteam.com.     In the past 10 years, researchers have discovered a lot of new information about Parkinson’s disease and found ways to significantly improve symptoms. However, many people with Parkinson’s still need additional treatment...