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When seniors have swallowing problems (dysphagia), the special diets they have to follow can cause unhealthy weight loss and malnutrition. To keep your older adult healthy, Jess McLean shares 4 easy and tasty foods that boost the amount of healthy calories and nutrients in a dysphagia diet.

Is your older adult struggling to maintain a healthy weight after starting a special diet because of swallowing problems (dysphagia)?

Swallowing problems associated with diseases like dementiaParkinson’s, or multiple sclerosis can cause weight loss and nutritional deficiency.

Some studies estimate that malnutrition affects more than 35% of adults over age 65.

Not getting enough calories, vitamins, and minerals could make your older adult more vulnerable to colds and flu, increase their risk for bed sores, and affect their overall mood and energy levels.

It can be challenging to learn how to modify the foods and beverages your older adult can safely swallow and make sure they’re getting enough healthy calories and nutrients.

And it might seem like the only way to get extra calories is through fried or processed foods or sugary processed drinks like Ensure.

But there are many simple ways to add healthy fats and nutrients into a dysphagia diet.

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