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Traveling with dementia can still be possible

When your older adult has Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, it doesn’t automatically mean that they can’t travel with you.

But it’s essential to honestly evaluate their symptoms before making a decision.

Even if someone is doing well in their familiar environment and daily routine, that doesn’t necessarily mean travel will go smoothly.

For example, wandering, agitation, or angry outbursts could increase when they’re out of their comfort zone. That’s because routine and being home create feelings of security and comfort. When that familiarity gets interrupted by travel, all bets are off.

Safety is always the top priority, both for your older adult and for you.

We share immediate signs that travel won’t be safe, 6 tips to help you figure out if a trip will be successful, how to safely test if travel will work, and what you can do if travel isn’t possible.

Important: A person with dementia should never travel alone. There are too many decisions to make, complex directions to follow, and strangers to interact with. They aren’t likely to make it safely to their destination. A trusted caregiver is needed to accompany them every step of the way.

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