A big part of the mission at PAACI is to gather news and other info from trusted online resources and share those with the members of our local PD community.
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7 Ways for Seniors to Reduce the Cost of Prescription Drugs
Shared from spend a lot on prescription drugs More than half of adults age 65 and older report taking four or more prescription drugs. This often puts significant financial pressure on seniors because the cost of prescription drugs have...
7 Ways to Reduce Aggressive Dementia Behaviors
Shared from reduces aggressive dementia behavior and increases safety Alzheimer’s disease and dementia can cause aggressive behavior, even in people who have never been violent in their lives. These aggressive dementia behaviors can be...
Avoid Conflict When Helping Seniors at Doctor’s Appointments
Shared from’s visits can be a caregiving challenge Accompanying your older adult to their doctor’s appointments is important, but can be a tough challenge. While you’re there, you might disagree on what to discuss, they might lie about their...
When Parkinson’s Hurts: Treatments for Managing Pain
Shared from For many people living with Parkinson’s disease (PD), pain is an uncomfortable reality. Stiff muscles, dystonia, constipation and nerve pain related to PD are common causes of pain – and up to 75 percent of people with PD report...
Seated Tai Chi for Seniors: 3 Routines Improve Flexibility and Well-being
Shared from tai chi for seniors improves health Tai chi is a gentle exercise that improves balance and reduces fall risk. It consists of making slow, graceful movements while breathing deeply. It’s relatively easy to follow because the...
Parkinson’s Speech Exercises: The Caribbean
Shared from more news & info[dsm_blog_carousel include_categories="all" use_thumbnail="off" use_excerpt="off" use_category="on" use_author="off" _builder_version="4.24.0" _module_preset="default"...
Colors of Holistic Care for People with Parkinson’s Disease
Shared from Harris College's Leaders in Parkison's Disease speaker series hosts Dr. Bastiaan Bloem, professor of neurology at Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen, Netherlands and winner of the Tom Isaacs Award for his achievements in the...
Meet a Researcher Working to Stop the Spread of Misfolded Proteins in the Brain
Shared from’s disease (PD) progression occurs in part because of a misfolded protein called alpha-synuclein that spreads in the brain. Alpha-synuclein forms clumps that clog brain cells (including neurons), leading to their eventual...
6 Benefits of Journaling for Caregivers
Shared from is an effective way to reduce caregiver stress Caregiver stress is no joke. Not only can it make you resentful or depressed, it can also cause serious health conditions. That’s why adding stress reduction and coping tips to...
Caring & Coping: A Care Partner’s Guide to Parkinson’s Disease
Shared from the Parkinson’s diagnosis is new to your loved one or you have been living with Parkinson’s for a long time, you have the right and responsibility to make the care partnership as productive as possible, with the least amount of stress...