

A big part of the mission at PAACI is to gather news and other info from trusted online resources and share those with the members of our local PD community. 

We’re constantly scanning the web so that we can share the best articles with you. Check back here regularly for the latest info on research, support, events, and more. 

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Most Recent News & Info

Parkinson’s Disease Medical Care Planning Resource

Dr. Jiayun Xu is creating a tool to help you and your family members talk about future medical planning in Parkinson's Disease. They are looking for a person with Parkinson's and a family member who is/was caring for a family member with PD within the last 5 years....

Every Victory Counts Manual

First published in 2010, the Every Victory Counts® manual broke new ground as the only resource of its kind, devoted solely to the principle of proactive self-care and a holistic approach to managing Parkinson’s. In subsequent editions, it has gained international...

Speech Accessibility Project

Beckman Institute at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has a new study called the "Speech Accessibility Project" to help speech recognition tools understand diverse voices. You can record your speech from home and earn up to $180/$90 for caregivers. For more...

Put the Squeeze on Compression Socks

Shared from, let’s talk about keeping you and your family safe and active. It seems like common sense — everybody falls, no matter what age. However, for many older adults, an unexpected fall can result in a serious and costly injury. The...

Falls Prevention Conversation Guide for Caregivers

Shared from, let’s talk about keeping you and your family safe and active. It seems like common sense — everybody falls, no matter what age. However, for many older adults, an unexpected fall can result in a serious and costly injury. The good news...

What to do When Aging Parents Refuse Help They Need

Shared from, let’s talk about keeping you and your family safe and active. It seems like common sense — everybody falls, no matter what age. However, for many older adults, an unexpected fall can result in a serious and costly injury. The...

Parkinson’s Disease and Preparing for Surgery

Shared from with Parkinson’s disease (PD) sometimes face procedures or surgeries due to other medical conditions not related to PD. These could be relatively simple procedures such as a colonoscopy or endoscopy, common surgeries such as...