A big part of the mission at PAACI is to gather news and other info from trusted online resources and share those with the members of our local PD community.
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How to Manage Chronic Conditions Through Parkinson’s Stages
Shared from no two people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience the same symptoms or rate of progression, there are several chronic conditions they are at greater risk of developing. However, the changes associated with chronic conditions tend...
4 Parkinson’s Advances: How Research Is Improving Treatment
Shared from In the past 10 years, researchers have discovered a lot of new information about Parkinson’s disease and found ways to significantly improve symptoms. However, many people with Parkinson’s still need additional treatment...
Could diabetes drugs like Ozempic be a treatment for Parkinson’s?
Shared from's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder where dopamine-producing cells in the brain slowly break down over time. This loss of dopamine leads to a variety of movement symptoms, including tremors, stiffness, slow movement...
Your Top Questions on Parkinson’s and Exercise Answered (Ask the MD Podcast)
Shared from Movement disorder specialist, lifestyle medicine physician and MJFF Principal Medical Advisor Rachel Dolhun, MD, DipABLM, answers community questions on Parkinson’s and exercise with physical therapist and rehab scientist Cristina...
Delusions vs. Hallucinations: 9 Differences To Recognize in Parkinson’s
Shared from What is real, and how can you be sure? For someone living with Parkinson’s, it can be difficult to know at times. “In my peripheral vision, I see cats curled up and sleeping all around the house,” shared one member of...
PD GENEration: Mapping the Future of Parkinson’s Disease
Shared from the Study PD GENEration: Mapping the Future of Parkinson’s Disease is a global research study that provides genetic testing and genetic counseling at no cost for people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD). People can participate by...
Food as Medicine: Diet’s Role in Parkinson’s Disease
Shared from Interest is growing in the role of nutrition as means of slowing, or even preventing, neurodegeneration in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). For 15 years, John Duda, MD, national director of the VA Parkinson’s Disease Research,...
Micrographia (Handwriting Difficulties) and Parkinson’s Disease
Shared from Many symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism can interfere with daily life. Parkinson’s disease symptoms fall under two general categories: motor and nonmotor. One of the less common motor symptoms is...
25 Quick Journal Prompts That Reduce Caregiver Stress and Improve Health
Shared from Journaling is a fast track to stress reduction Caring for an older adult is stressful and can easily wear you down. To help you keep going, stay positive, and protect your health, it’s essential to have plenty of good coping...
APDA CarePartner Connection
Shared from Wednesdays March 5–April 23, 1:30-3:00pm EST A FREE eight-week support program for care partners of people living with Parkinson disease (PD), offering a space to connect, share, and learn. Are you a care partner to a family member...