

A big part of the mission at PAACI is to gather news and other info from trusted online resources and share those with the members of our local PD community. 

We’re constantly scanning the web so that we can share the best articles with you. Check back here regularly for the latest info on research, support, events, and more. 

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Most Recent News & Info

Is Parkinsonism the Same as Parkinson’s Disease?

Shared from  Parkinsonism is a group of neurological conditions that manifest as movement problems such as tremors, slowness of movement and rigidity. It is particularly identified by the presence of bradykinesia, both a slowness of and...

The Reasons Behind Your Unexplained Temperature Changes

Shared from Our bodies are programmed to keep our internal temperature at a near-constant point, using very complex mechanisms. Parkinson’s disease (PD) can unfortunately interfere with this regulation, and it can significantly affect quality...

Marijuana Use With Parkinson’s: Helpful or Harmful?

Shared from   As marijuana use becomes more common in the United States, many people with chronic medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease wonder whether this substance will prove helpful or harmful. “Have any of you tried marijuana to...

Plastic Waste Contaminants Could Promote Parkinson’s

Shared from new study indicates that tiny particles of polystyrene can promote the clumping of a protein involved in Parkinson’s. Plastic waste is a growing problem, and as plastics break down the pieces can be problematic. A new study in Science...

Is Parkinson’s Hereditary?

Shared from   A MyParkinsonsTeam member recently asked, “Should I do genetic testing for PD? Several of my family members have had it … Does it run in families?” The short answer is: it’s complicated. There is still much that scientists do not...